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🙂 In this way you can opt for government aid for the purchase of a used house and aid for home improvement Subsidy of housing 🥇

Subsidy of housing

Subsidy of housing  : When you decide to buy a house you evaluate many aspects that may turn out to be feasible for you, it may be that you want to choose to buy a used home for many factors, it is likely that the used home that you are going to acquire has a lot of land that you allow a new construction to be carried out, or it may be the case that you buy the property because of its location and because it gives you other advantages.

The government has been thinking about everything, in order to be able to meet the needs of Colombians, because of this you have had programs that not only allow you to acquire a new home, but also expand the possibility that you can acquire a used home. , and on the other hand, you can make the improvement of your home through the housing subsidy programs.

🤓  Know what subsidies for used housing consist of Subsidy of housing ✅


The national government opened the possibility that any family that does not have the possibility of acquiring a new house can choose to buy a second-rate house better known as a used house, for the process of this type of housing you only have to choose the house that is adjust to your needs and economic capabilities, once you have done this, you only have to go to the entity that is going to grant the financing and begin to carry out the corresponding processing, the entity will determine whether or not you are eligible, if you continue with the phase of the approval.

🔥  Did you know that there is a government aid in the area of ​​subsidies called seedbeds of owners 🤑

Families who are in social strata 2, 3 and 4 can opt for this type of subsidy, but strata 1 do not enter this type of programs for two reasons, the first is that families do not have a capacity to cover The initial fee and the second is because they do not have a bank account, but for this the families that are in this social stratum, the latter has arranged another mechanism so that they are not left out, which is that the government provides them an amount to subsidize the rent but families must commit to save a percentage in the bank so that after two years they have a banking history to be eligible for subsidy systems

Interesting Reading:   🙂 Know everything you need about housing subsidies with mortgage credit Subsidy of housing 🥇

✨  See what you did in the home improvement program Subsidy of housing 💥

This improvement program is focused so that families can improve essential public services, such as water service, electricity, electrical installations, reinforcement of the structure and floors, this will improve the quality of life of many Colombian families.

You already have all the information you need about government aid in terms of subsidies, choose the one that best suits your needs and economic capabilities. In this way you can opt for government aid for the purchase of a used house and aid for home improvement

When you decide to buy a house you evaluate many aspects that may turn out to be feasible for you, it may be that you want to choose to buy a used home for many factors, it is likely that the used home that you are going to acquire has a lot of land that you allow a new construction to be carried out, or it may be the case that you buy the property because of its location and because it gives you other advantages.

The government has been thinking about everything, in order to be able to meet the needs of Colombians, because of this you have had programs that not only allow you to acquire a new home, but also expand the possibility that you can acquire a used home. , and on the other hand, you can make the improvement of your home through the housing subsidy programs.

Know what subsidies for used housing consist of

The national government opened the possibility that any family that does not have the possibility of acquiring a new house can choose to buy a second-rate house better known as a used house, for the process of this type of housing you only have to choose the house that is adjust to your needs and economic capabilities, once you have done this, you only have to go to the entity that is going to grant the financing and begin to carry out the corresponding processing, the entity will determine whether or not you are eligible, if you continue with the phase of the approval.

Interesting Reading:   🙂 Savings Classes to access the Housing Subsidy 🥇

Did you know that there is a government aid in the area of ​​subsidies called seedbeds of owners

Families who are in social strata 2, 3 and 4 can opt for this type of subsidy, but strata 1 do not enter this type of programs for two reasons, the first is that families do not have a capacity to cover The initial fee and the second is because they do not have a bank account, but for this the families that are in this social stratum, the latter has arranged another mechanism so that they are not left out, which is that the government provides them an amount to subsidize the rent but families must commit to save a percentage in the bank so that after two years they have a banking history to be eligible for subsidy systems

See what you did in the home improvement program

This improvement program is focused so that families can improve essential public services, such as water service, electricity, electrical installations, reinforcement of the structure and floors, this will improve the quality of life of many Colombian families.

You already have all the information you need about government aid in terms of subsidies, choose the one that best suits your needs and economic capabilities.