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🙂 Go ahead and apply for free housing subsidies this is the opportunity to be the possible beneficiary of the house of your dreams. 🥇

Subsidy of housing

Subsidy of housing : government has destined for people who are in situations of extreme vulnerability, the program of free housing subsidies, this program that the National Government has launched has been destined to provide help to people who are in extreme poverty, those who have been victims of forced displacement and those who have also been victims of armed conflicts who do not have the possibility of having a safe home for their family.

The fundamental benefit of these subsidies is that the state can subsidize up to 100% of the housing, thus obtaining a total subsidy, this thinking of families that due to economic difficulties cannot qualify for mortgage loans to be able to apply to the other subsidy programs that are available in the various entities that the government has authorized for this type of housing solution.

🤓  Would you like to know how you can apply for free housing subsidies offered by the state in conjunction with the public and private sectors in Colombia ✅

In order to comply with the Government plans regarding social assistance, the Government of Colombia has implemented this type of free housing subsidy programs, it is to favor those who for reasons of force majeure do not have the possibility of solve the housing situation that afflicts them, the process to make the respective application begins at the moment that the opting party completes the application form for the benefit.

🔥 💥 Surely he is asking you, How can you fill out the application form for free housing subsidies? 🤑


The application form contains all the information that the Government requires to be able to assign the subsidy, that is why you must bear in mind that when entering the data, these must be correct and reliable, since once you do the application the receiving entity will proceed to verify all the information provided by the applicant.

Interesting Reading:   🙂 Know the correct place where you must process the Social Interest Housing (VIS) subsidies Subsidy of housing 🥇

😂  Subsidy of housing  The form against the following information: ✨

1. You must indicate if the applicant has been beneficiaries of any type of subsidy of any kind, including the housing subsidy previously.

2. It will contain the information on the socio-economic conformation of the home, in which it must include the data of the applicant and the family nucleus

3. In the applicant’s information, he must indicate the condition in which he lost his home, if this is the case.

4. The data of the applicant of the head of the household.

5. The location and type of housing solution

6. You must bear in mind that within the application you will be signing an agreement with the State where the applicant agrees to reimburse the amount of the housing subsidy

7. The affidavit

8. The information of the person who is receiving the processing

9. And the signature and fingerprint of the applicant for the subsidy.