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🙂 Look at the Colsubsidio subsidy requirements for home construction Subsidy of housing 🥇

Subsidy of housing

Subsidy of housing : In order to be eligible for the Colsubsidio construction subsidies for housing, you must have the following requirements:

• Potential beneficiaries must be affiliated to the family subsidy fund in the modality either as a contributing employee, as a pensioner, who must contribute at least 2% of the income received on a monthly basis without this having years of seniority and finally as a worker I public which in the same way must contribute at least 2% which will be reflected

🤓  in the contribution made to social security, these will not be necessary that you have years of seniority. ✅

• In the event that the possible beneficiary opts for the Colsubsidio rural housing subsidy benefit, they must have a family nucleus made up of pluri-personal form as follows: spouses in a stable legal union (married) or partners in a stable union of fact (not married) in this it does not matter if the couples are of the same sex, that you have children, or simply families made up of relatives

• For the possible beneficiaries who opt for the Colsubsidio urban housing subsidies, single-person households are accepted, since single people, divorced or separated people, widows or widowers, and those families with or without children are accepted.

• The possible beneficiaries do not receive monthly income that exceeds the 4 minimum salaries, these will be determined by adding up the number of people from the family nucleus who work.

• Neither the potential beneficiaries nor their family members should own a home

Interesting Reading:   🙂 Know the correct place where you must process the Social Interest Housing (VIS) subsidies Subsidy of housing 🥇

• No family member or potential beneficiary should have previously received this type of subsidy

🔥 The type of documentation that must be submitted by people who wish to qualify for the Colsubsidio subsidy for housing construction 🤑

• They must obtain the form in which they must enter the correct information, this can be purchased at the Colsubsidio offices or on the official website, once filled out correctly, you must sign them and deliver the return in original format.

• They must present copies of the identification cards of the possible beneficiary and that of the people who make up the family nucleus.

• They must deliver the labor certificate of both the applicant and the people who make up the family nucleus updated

• The certification of severance pay with the current corresponding balance

• Savings account statement showing current balance

• Photocopy of the certification of indebtedness capacity

• Proof of pre-approval of credit or updated approved credit that does not exceed 30 days

• They must deliver the certification of tradition and freedom of the property updated and that this does not exceed 30 days

• Photostatic copies of the public document of purchase of the land

• You must bear in mind that they must deliver at least 6 photos of the land showing access to the public road and the neighboring land where you want to build or improve.

✨ The permits granted by the competent entity that certifies that the land is suitable for its construction Subsidy of housing 💥

• The permits granted that indicate that the land is within the area, either rural or urban.

Interesting Reading:   ✨ The time has come to know the non-VIS government subsidies Subsidy of housing 💥

• The permits stating that the land has availability of services, in case the land has the services must present the last invoice for payment of the services

• If the land has a construction license, they must deliver these documents along with the plan.