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🙂 Free certificate courses An illustration of a content layout 🥇

Free certificate courses

Free certificate courses : Have you spent hours Free certificate courses sweating to create an article and make it as engaging and complete as possible?

Have you Free certificate courses spent weeks of extensive preparation to produce an eye-catching video?

Is your content finally ready? What now?

Will you promote it through some tweets and updates on the Facebook platform, LinkedIn, and then?

Will you remain idle Free certificate courses ?

Get started now with content mapping to ensure your content reaches your target audience and makes your Free certificate courses content truly impactful.

🤓  What is a content map Free certificate courses? ✅

Content mapping in Arabic is called a content map or content planning, which is a plan to provide the right content to the right people at the right time, so that it depends on the characteristics of the consumer or visitor, his personality and his buying journey.

Free certificate courses Knowing the customer and what he is looking for, will direct you to know the content that you want to display Him and at any time.

Content mapping allows you Free certificate courses to see your content and link it to your customer goals, the goals of your site users, and all other pieces of content in your website (as well as external websites)  allowing you to discover gaps (and opportunities) and thereby improve your content development strategy.

Simply put, content mapping or content mapping

is a tool that helps companies better understand their audience

Thus creating better content !

Interesting Reading:   ≫ APPLY Free Online Courses. Free Certificate Courses ◁

🔥  What is the importance of the content map Free certificate courses? 🤑

The main goal of creating content maps is to help you start developing your own content with a focus on website goals and the types of content you need to produce.

Here are some other benefits of creating content maps:

It helps to make technical decisions Free certificate courses by getting a good view of the content orientation and potential requirements for the website content.

You can make wise decisions at the outset about the technologies you will use and make sure that the content management system that we will choose will meet our content needs.

Quickly identify gaps and opportunities Free certificate courses.

Through the ability to visualize your content you can discover gaps that need to be filled and opportunities to add new content.

Defining and developing your own digital marketing strategy.Understanding the

characteristics of your target audience will help you develop a better marketing strategy.

Better sales

when you set the goals of your content and publish it at the right time and in the right place. This will help you to satisfy the audience and convert  Free certificate courses them into potential customers and thus have greater opportunities to increase sales.

Content Map Creation Tools

Personally, I don’t consider this content map creation tool a must! You can map the content on the kitchen wall in your home or by using any tool that provides you with the drawing process on your device.

But if you want to use a tool that provides instant sharing with your team, here are the best of them:

Interesting Reading:   🙂 Project management Free certificate courses 🥇

✨ Free certificate courses Omni graffle is   only for Mac users.  💥

Free certificate courses Types of content maps:

Map of linking content to goals: The Free certificate courses first map that you must create and for the secretariat is not a map, it is more like a double list as this list contains company goals or customer goals and links them with your own content.

An illustrated example of content maps of the type linking content to goals

An example of content maps.