Buy Car Insurance Online : One of the advantages of taking out insurance online is to be able to remotely use the options for periodic suspension and reactivation of the policy and to easily complete all the steps necessary for the transfer of the vehicle to third parties, up to the cancellation of the signed contract. All this takes place through the personal area made available on the company’s website, in a few clicks and in total safety. Buy Car Insurance Online
→ Buy Car Insurance Online In today’s article we will see how the online management of an insurance policy works for most companies. ⇨
First of all, in the event of a sale , permanent transfer abroad, demolition of the car or motorbike, it is possible to request the cancellation of the insurance contract online and to send all the required documentation, again from the internet or by post and fax Buy Car Insurance Online. Once this is done, the company usually agrees to reimburse the customer for the part of the RCA premium paid and not taken (net of taxes to the National Health Service) Buy Car Insurance Online.
The contract is considered canceled from midnight on the day the vehicle was sold. The home policy can also be canceled by completing the procedure remotely, for example in the event of a sale or expiry of the rental contract. Buy Car Insurance OnlineAnother situation in which it can be useful to manage the practices quickly and online is the sale of car and motorcycle insurance following the sale of the vehicle.
Today, insurance companies allow you to transfer the policy to the buyer, who can benefit from coverage up to the scheduled annual expiry. This transfer, however, is not valid for the risk certificate: therefore, upon expiry the new owner of the vehicle will have to stipulate a contract in class 14 Buy Car Insurance Online.
The request for the transfer of the policy must be made within 7 days of the transfer of ownership, Buy Car Insurance Onlinethrough the form made available online, or by mail or fax. Finally, the most used option, especially by those who have a motorcycle, is the suspension and reactivation of the policy based on the months of actual use of the vehicle, so as to save on the premium.
Also in this case the request can be sent through the online form, as is the case for the reactivation request, to which the payment receipt for the costs associated with the operation must be attached Buy Car Insurance Online.
➕ Buy Car Insurance Online Before delving into today’s topic, it is worth knowing that every motorist should know in advance the actual use of their car, so that they can save on car insurance. ⌛
Understanding how it is used, when and how much, can help you to identify a rate other than the standard one and, therefore, have concrete possibilities to reduce the total amount.
In this regard, a form of policy in force for some years to take into consideration is the monthly car insurance, which allows the payment of the annual premium to be «diluted» over twelve months, so as to reduce the economic impact on the family budget. .
⛔ What is an Installment Policy Buy Car Insurance Online ⌚
The stipulation of a policy in monthly installments therefore allows the policyholder to pay a small portion of the total monthly, thanks to a credit company with which the insurance company has previously established agreements Buy Car Insurance Online.
At the time of signing the insurance contract, the same credit company will pay the insurance on behalf of the customer. The customer will then be required to pay the share to the company on a monthly basis: in practice, it is as if he were asking for a loan from one company in order to pay another. The latter receives the money immediately and in a lump sum, while the lender company will receive the money monthly from the customer (the gain for the credit company is interest).
However, remember that the month does not represent the validity of the insurance, but simply a payment deadline that the policyholder has with a third party company and not with his own insurance company.

⚡ Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap, How to make an online quote for all insurances: the single quote 🚀
Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap : 25Many motorists know how to exploit the advantages of competition in the insurance sector, moving from one offer to another of the companies and exploiting the accessibility to the information on the Net. This explains the presence of websites such as that of the » Single estimate Rc aut o “, an online tool that allows you to receive estimates, ordered for economic convenience and binding for 60 days, from the 65 insurance companies operating in the Italian territory. This tool is already 4 years old but few people know it, preferring to go to the most common online quote sites! This site was established in 2009 by IVASS (formerly ISVAP – Institute for Insurance Supervision) and byMinistry of Economic Development Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap .
→ What is the Single Estimate Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap ⇨
Price quotationThe Estimator Unic or is the tool to compare, based on their affordability, quotes RC aut or for all 65 RC Auto insurance companies operating on the Italian market. «TuOpreventivatOre» is a first orientation tool able to offer general information for a broad overview of the prices of TPL policies available on the market and allows the consumer, in relation to their risk profile, to make a comparison between Motor TPL estimates, offered by 65 companies on the market, classified in order of economic convenience. Access to the system is completely free and anonymous (the user does not need to declare his personal details). The citizen canregister for the service , providing a username and a valid e-mail address, from which you will receive a reply to the successful registration, complete with the service activation link. To obtain estimates , the user must provide a series of information by filling out the predefined forms: the more information provided, the more estimates obtained. Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap For the purpose of faster retrieval of the requested data, it is advisable to keep the latest risk certificate issued by the company and the vehicle registration document at hand.of the vehicle to be insured. Among other things, this will prevent incorrect data being provided, a circumstance that could determine an even significant variation in the offer prices. Once the compilation is complete, the response of the site will arrive in a short time to the e-mail address indicated at the time of registration, with the list in order of economic convenience of the amounts of all the estimates issued by the various insurance companies based on the data inserted. The requests for quotations and the relative replies will in any case be kept available to the user in the reserved area of the portal for consultation or the issue of new requests Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap.
➕ The term RC Auto has now become common, Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap ⌛
but very few motorists would know how to answer the question » What is RC Auto and how does it work?» In today’s article, we will try to answer this question in the simplest and most understandable way posible Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap.
Car InsuranceThe classic insurance called RC Auto or simply RCA Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap ( Civil Liability Auto ) is the only compulsory insurance policy for car owners. It is stipulated through an insurance agency and has the aim of compensating all damages caused by the circulation of motor vehicles and boats ( established by law 24/12/1969 n.990, published in the Official Gazette of 3/1/1970, or the so-called «Bersani Decree»). Without a TPL, in fact, these damages would have to be paid for by the driver who caused them. In practice, car insurance takes away from policyholders the thought of having to pay large damages, leaving the insurance companies the economic burden of compensation for damages caused to things and people. Specifically, the stipulation of Motor TPL contracts can be with or without tacit renewal . In the first case, the contracts are understood to be extended for the following year if the insured does not send the company a written cancellation (at least 15 days before the annual expiry). Instead, in online insurance, there is no tacit renewal and therefore the insured is asked each year to renew the insurance contract. In Europe, RCAs are often associated with the bonus-malus mechanism . Through this system, the market is divided by geographic area, age, years of attainment of the license, type of vehicle insured, but also on the basis of the extent and frequency of accidents in a given geographic area. Specifically, this last parameter represents only one of the indicators that lead to the calculation of the premium and is expressed according to a scale consisting of various positions, which can be lost or gained by the insured on the basis of the number of claims. This situation is referred to as the “ class of merit“: It will change annually for better or for worse depending on the accidents suffered or caused. The official document that certifies the class of merit is called a » risk certificate «.
⛔ Conclusions Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap ⌚
In any case, it is very important to keep one thing in mind: the motorist who decides to enter into a contract with an insurance company, must know his duties well and be able to recognize his rights in the matter, in order to avoid «unpleasant surprises. ”At the end of the contractual year. Therefore, it is always advisable to inform yourself well and adequately before choosing the policy that best suits your needs.

⚡ Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap. Online Insurance Advice 🚀
Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap : When a claim occurs, between complaints and the initiation of a possible legal dispute with the insurance company to protect one’s interests, there is always a considerable waste of time, energy but above all money, which at times can even be higher than the compensation obtained. In between …. Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap there is nothing! When an accident of any kind occurs, the insured person is obliged to notify his company of what happened. After receiving the report, the insurance company will proceed with the opening of the claim to which an identification number will be assigned, as well as appointing its own trustee (expert) who will then examine the damage and proceed to its quantification. After which the expert, who is a freelancer who can also collaborate with various insurance companies, will send the expert report to the liquidator, an employee of the company and in charge of indemnifying the injured party. Unfortunately, it often happens that the liquidator and the expert on the one hand and the injured party on the other,do not agree on the actual amount of the damage! So what to do? The insured, in these cases, will have two options:
→ Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap accept the same amount offered by the company and thus not protect their interests; ⇨
do not accept the amount offered by the company and contact a lawyer: in this case, the lawyer will recommend entrusting the assignment to a party expert and, after a brief negotiation with the company, will proceed to sue the company.
online adviceHowever, as mentioned at the beginning, the latter eventuality implies an enormous expenditure of energy and an economic advance for the lawyer and the expert of the party which will not always be covered by the amount that the company must liquidate; not to mention the very long waiting times (equal to the average duration of a civil case!) and conditions that often lead the injured party to give up and accept what the insurance company offers against his will. So, how to get out of this impasse ?? Well… until recently there was no real intermediate alternative, as many of the websites were basically aimed at the acquisition of the assignment by the professional. Therefore, the online appraisal and consulting service is a real novelty which is carried out by expert experts in the quantification of damages and in the reconstruction of the dynamics who, in collaboration with a team of lawyers, are able to provide the insured with clear, efficient, certain, fast and above all economic answers! Let’s see how the advantages of online consultancy are realized , comparing it to the traditional assignment to the professional:
➕ Advantages of Online Insurance Advice Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap ⌛
Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap As you can see from the table, online counseling offers the insured numerous advantages over traditional counseling and above all saving time, energy and money, obtaining the same result and with an assignment that is also carried out by a qualified professional. Of course, I’m sure many of you are wondering why online counseling is cheaper than traditional counseling . Mainly, because …
Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap all «dead times» are cut, such as interlocutory written meetings and communications for which the traditional professional requests payment; the contact between the injured party and the team of experts (experts, lawyers) takes place via e-mail, therefore in a much faster way, thus allowing further savings in time and money;
all the actions that the expert is forced to carry out are eliminated (for example, direct vision of the vehicle), as the documentation necessary to carry out the task will be provided in person by the injured party;
the traditional professional will consequently have a limited number of assignments, while the online consultancy is able to respond to a greater number of requests. Therefore, by also working on the quantity, a significant reduction in costs for the damaged party will be obtained;
⛔ Conclusions Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap ⌚
Before the advent of online insurance advice, the alternatives were limited and in most cases one was forced to accept the amount offered by the insurance company without the injured party having the opportunity to protect their interests. But now, with the birth of online consultancy not aimed at the acquisition of the assignment by the professional, the foundations have finally been created to obtain an intermediate solution that allows the damaged motorist to be able to protect himself more quickly and with costs. much lower Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap.

≫ Buy Car Insurance Online How to Buy Insurance Online ◁
Buy Car Insurance Online : In recent times, more and more people are deciding to buy an insurance policy directly from the internet. But how to move to avoid running into scams? On the IVASS (formerly Isvap) website there are some useful recommendations for buying a policy on the internet in a safe and fast way, thus avoiding entering into a contract with a non-authorized and unreliable company! The site provides the user with a list of duly authorized companies with which to enter into the contract. However, it is always good practice, before taking out a policy, to carefully read the information notes and the conditions offered by the insurance Buy Car Insurance Online .
✔ Useful Tips Buy Car Insurance Online ✆
So, if you intend to take out any insurance policy and via the Internet you will need Buy Car Insurance Online:
keep in mind that there is always the possibility of coming into contact with operators who are not regularly authorized! Therefore, in case of doubt, to check the actual identity of the company, it is possible to call the IVASS customer toll-free number (800-486661);
consult the list of companies with registered office in another member state of the European Union admitted to operate in Italy, published quarterly in the Official Journal;
consult the list of Italian and foreign companies admitted to operate in Italy. In any case, this list has a purely informative purpose and therefore does not fulfill the function of «legal advertising», which remains proper to its publication in the Official Gazette.
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avoid contracting insurance policies with foreign companies that are not allowed to carry on business in Italy: in fact, otherwise, you will risk buying coverage that does not comply with the provisions of Italian laws, especially those that regulate the RCA and to break, unwittingly , tax or insurance regulations!
carefully read the information notes before signing the contract, because they provide essential information about the company and its products. The information notes must necessarily be sent by the company before the conclusion of the contract, on paper or in electronic format that can be written on various durable media (floppy-disk, CD, computer hard disk… ..).
check in the information note what is the law applicable to the contract, that is the law that each judge, regardless of whether they are Italian or foreign, will apply in the event of a potential dispute. If the law is not the Italian one and the foreign law that the company proposes to choose is not well known, there will be greater difficulties in dealing with a possible dispute. IVASS is a body competent to examine the claims of policyholders only if the law applicable to the contract is the Italian one!
carefully check when the insurance coverage starts. The contract must, however, be delivered on paper.
remember that for motor liability insurance , in addition to the contract, the company must issue the mark and the insurance certificate (in original) within 5 days of paying the premium. While waiting to receive these documents and to avoid fines, the premium payment receipt must be applied to the vehicle, which the insurer will be obliged to promptly issue.
check on the site the details of your registration in the register of agents or broker if and when you contact the site of an agent or an insurance broker.
⊛ 4. For Those Who Are New Drivers Buy Car Insurance Online 🥇
Once upon a time, new drivers paid exorbitant bucks to insure a vehicle they owned, mainly because insurance companies consider them more at risk of accidents due to lack of experience behind the wheel. For some time now, thanks to the Bersani law, it has been possible to save a lot on the insurance policy for new drivers. According to this law, the vehicle in question can be insured in the name of a cohabiting relative, although we must not forget the clause that the car can be driven by someone under the age of 25. Buy Car Insurance Online While this will increase the price of insurance, it will certainly be lower than that paid by an 18-year-old to insure the car in his name. At the time of stipulation, remember that it will be important that in the documents of those who request the policy and those who support the merit class thanks to the Bersani law, the same residence address is always shown. In fact, in order to verify the authenticity of the data, the companies could carry out checks that certify what was declared in the contract Buy Car Insurance Online.

⇨ How to Avoid Online RCA Scams Buy Car Insurance online 🥇
Buy Car Insurance online : How to Avoid Scams in TPL Online In recent times, there has been a large increase in sales of TPL online and by phone, also thanks to the many policy quotes also advertised on TV, created on the websites of Brokers regularly authorized and registered with the RUI or on sites / blogs that only compare and advertise Buy Car Insurance online.
Buy Car Insurance online But, as often happens in these cases, the wave of success is always «ridden» even by the usual «smart» ones ready to scam the naive motorist and attracted by cheaper prices! Buy Car Insurance online
To counter this threat, first of all, we must be wary of those sellers not registered with the RUI: but, above all, we must pay attention to insurance policies that are issued by companies not authorized by IVASS for sale in the Italian territory, or to false certificates and markings, as it can incur a series of risks and fines.
So, in order not to fall into the trap of online scams, just follow some simple tips. Buy Car Insurance online.
🔥 Policy Proposed By An Intermediary Buy Car Insurance online ⇨
The insurance brokerage activity consists in presenting or proposing insurance and reinsurance products or in providing assistance and consultancy aimed at this activity, but also in collaborating in the management or execution (especially in the case of claims) of the stipulated contracts.
The insurance intermediary who proposes the sale of a TPL on its website, Buy Car Insurance online must necessarily report (Ivass Regulation no. 5) the following information:
identification data of the intermediary; Buy Car Insurance online
head office address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address;
the number and date of registration in the Single Register of Insurance and Reinsurance Intermediaries as well as an indication that the intermediary is subject to the control of IVASS.
Keep in mind that if the name of the intermediary who is proposing the policy is not present in the register mentioned above ……… it means that he is a scammer!
【 Policy Proposed By An Insurance Company (online or telephone) Buy Car Insurance online 】
The insurance company that proposes the sale of TPL through its website must obligatorily (Ivass Regulation no. 34) enter the following information on the site:
the company name and address of the registered office or secondary office of the company;
telephone number, fax number and e-mail address;
all data concerning the authorization to carry out the insurance business;
the registration number in the register of insurance companies held by IVASS, with the caveat that by consulting this register it is possible to verify the authenticity of the authorization to carry out the activity;
the indication that the company is subject to IVASS control.
In any case, check (before purchasing the policy) the Register of authorized companies on the IVASS website:
Italian companies
Foreign Companies
As mentioned above for the intermediary, if the name of the company in the policy is not present in these lists … … it means that you are facing a scam!
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If the website is not of an insurance broker or an insurance company, but is simply a website or blog that simply makes comparisons / advertisements of RCA, rest assured: you are not facing a scam! Buy Car Insurance online
However, you will need to be careful because the policies can never be sold from the site itself! In fact, after obtaining our quote, the site must necessarily put you in contact with an intermediary and / or with the insurance company. Buy Car Insurance online
So, if the site or blog in question requires you to pay the policy without directing you to the insurance company’s site or when there is no information that could lead you to it, then yes you will be facing a scam! Buy Car Insurance online.

🥇 How to transfer the insurance policy from one vehicle to another Buy Car Rental Insurance Online 🙂
Buy Car Rental Insurance Online : The transfer of an insurance policy from one vehicle to another occurs when one is sold or scrapped: in this case, the insurance of the «old» one can be transferred to the new one that you buy (or obviously already has, but without insurance coverage!). This is a simple procedure. but it may have some details that change depending on the insurance company you are a client of.
✅ More Information, Car / Motorcycle Policy Transfer Procedure Buy Car Rental Insurance Online 🤓
Buy Car Rental Insurance Online, As I mentioned previously, the «portability» of the car / motorcycle policy is only possible if you sell or scrape a vehicle and want to take the current insurance to another. In any case, keep in mind that usually to transfer the insurance you must go to an insurance company office with the following documents: Buy Car Rental Insurance Online
🤑 More Information, certificate and identification of the old vehicle already insured; Buy Car Rental Insurance Online 🔥
the green card; Buy Car Rental Insurance Online
documentation certifying the sale or scrapping of the old vehicle;
the eventual definitive export abroad of the vehicle and the definitive cessation of circulation with consequent return of the license plate and the booklet of the new vehicle to be insured.
PS: remember that from September 2013 the obligation of «home insurance» will be triggered, so you can operate directly from the company’s website as is already the case for those who have online insurance.
💥 Special Situations Buy Car Rental Insurance Online apply NOW 💥
Buy Car Rental Insurance Online, When transferring the car / motorcycle policy from one vehicle to another, there is no single and universal procedure! There are special cases, that is …
If you do not want to sell the vehicle, you can more simply make the transfer of ownership to a cohabiting relative who is a new driver or who has a risk certificate that has expired for at least 3 months from the last insurance contract: thanks to the Bersani Law, the class of less onerous merit! Buy Car Rental Insurance Online
Buy Car Rental Insurance Online, Always do not intend to sell your vehicle or in any case you want to keep the policy but you have another means to insure (which has never been insured before), you can take advantage of another provision of the Bersani Law: in practice, you will have to suspend insurance still active, then you take out a new one for the new car / motorcycle / other vehicle, so you will keep the same class of merit (the law says that two vehicles of the same owner can be insured with the same class of merit, but only if the second car was never insured!). When you decide to use the old vehicle again, you can reactivate the first insurance or transfer it to another vehicle that you have purchased in the meantime. Buy Car Rental Insurance Online.