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Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap

Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap : Owning a vehicle puts us all, irremediably, in front of various eventualities that are unfortunately not very rare. We are talking about a breakdown, a punctured wheel, a rear-end collision. All episodes that would cause not a little annoyance as well as waste of money and time. In this regard, a very valid help for drivers is constituted by roadside assistance insurance,  an extension of the Motor TPL insurance coverage that guarantees prompt intervention when an unforeseen event such as those indicated above forces us to a forced stop. The simple roadside assistance in addition to having very high costs, does not guarantee that the vehicle is recovered in a timely manner. roadside assistance insurance

💥  Roadside Assistance Insurance: When Is It Convenient?  Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap  

Roadside assistance insurance is synonymous with peace of mind behind the wheel for all types of travelers, because it guarantees timely intervention, made possible thanks to non-stop assistance, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, limited to the entire Italian territory.

Users who might find roadside assistance insurance most useful are those who spend a lot of time behind the wheel,  i.e. those who travel long stretches of motorways and / or suburbs. This is therefore a category of users more exposed to the risk of a claim. 

Roadside assistance insurance protects the motorist not only in terms of safety, but also in economic terms. In fact, the insured will also be able to enjoy a considerable economic advantage if we take into consideration the costs of simple roadside assistance.

Interesting Reading:   ≫ Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap Why do insurance costs so much? ◁

In addition to towing the vehicle, the price also includes reimbursement for overnight expenses in the event that the repair takes longer and, in the case of some companies, it is also possible to replace the vehicle . Other insurance companies, however, may charge a small surcharge .

  Roadside Assistance Insurance: Additional Services Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap  🤑

Replacement car, reimbursement of accommodation costs, extension of coverage beyond the national territory are just some of the most requested services included in roadside assistance insurance contracts . Some companies also offer the possibility of installing a satellite device on the vehicle that allows the vehicle to be tracked by GPS.

Other ancillary guarantees

In addition to roadside assistance insurance, it is also possible to include in the insurance contract the Theft or Fire policy, the Kasko policy, the Crystals policy, the Legal Protection, the policy for Driver Accidents or coverage for damages suffered as a result of Events Natural, socio-political and Vandal Acts. If you have a Euro 4 car , you should know that some new incentives have recently been introduced . Since last November 16, in fact, every motorist with a vehicle belonging to that class will be able to take advantage of a LPG and methane car bonus reserved for those who want to transform their traditional fuel vehicle into one with low emissions.

🤑  LPG and CNG Car Bonus Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap

Once the so – called eco-incentives deriving from the ICBI ( Low Impact Fuel Initiative) convention were dedicated exclusively to private cars Euro 2 and 3. So today the «car fleet» has also been extended to Euro 4 and with the simultaneous exclusion of Euro 2 vehicles. To take advantage of the bonus, residents in one of the more than 670 municipalities participating in ICBI must go to the authorized workshops for vehicle conversion. The mechanics, after verifying that the car and the holder of the registration certificate are in possession of the necessary requirements, must book the contribution directly online, from the Ecogas website .

Interesting Reading:   ≫ Buy Auto Insurance Only Cheap Why do insurance costs so much? ◁

The total incentives are € 900,000 and requests will be accepted while funds are used up. The bonus provides a discount of € 500 for the installation of a LPG system and € 600 for a methane system on Euro 3 and Euro 4 petrol-powered cars. Definitely not bad if we consider that the conversion of a car from petrol to LPG can cost up to 1,200 euros and from petrol to methane up to almost 2,000 euros.

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