Cars With The Cheapest Insurance Rates : As we have said many times, before buying a car insurance it is advisable not to stop at the first quote or at the first agency with which you make contact, but continue in the search trying to save as much as possible.
▷ At the time of stipulation, the owner of the vehicle can also be different from the holder of the Motor TPL insurance. Cars With The Cheapest Insurance Rates ✨
Indeed, it is also possible to change the policyholder every year, as long as the owner of the vehicle remains unchanged. Furthermore, it will be possible to take advantage of the same class of merit as a family member, but not if you already own the car in question.
The only exception, in this sense, is that due to spouses under the joint property regime .
😂 But how does it work? Cars With The Cheapest Insurance Rates ✆
Current legislation allows you to stipulate the insurance contract for civil liability in your own name even if the vehicle is in the name of the spouse, as long as the same is in community of assets (or vice versa). Cars With The Cheapest Insurance Rates
What the Company could ask you for is a document that certifies the effective legal regime of communion of assets: this means either the document issued by the Municipality or a simple self-certification. Cars With The Cheapest Insurance Rates
The policyholder can be any of the two spouses. As for costs , usually when the owner and contractor do not coincide, there may be a slight increase in the price.
✅ How Does Car Insurance in Communion of Goods Work Cars With The Cheapest Insurance Rates 🤓
If you then want to replace the vehicle owned by another one close to purchase, you can replace the vehicle insured in the policy with the new one even if it is in the name of your spouse as long as the document certifying the communion of assets is delivered.
But is it better to replace the insured vehicle with the new policy or would it be better to cancel the «old» contract and sign a new one? If the policyholder is different from the owner of the new vehicle, the answer depends on the percentage of the surcharge. When you request the cancellation of the vehicle sale contract , you will be refunded only the unused premium after tax. Cars With The Cheapest Insurance Rates
Taxes will have to be paid on the new contract, which vary from 22.5% to 26% based on the province of residence of the owner. This means that if the surcharge for the contracting party other than the owner is not of a certain amount, then it is certainly better to replace the vehicle in the policy rather than enter into a new contract. Cars With The Cheapest Insurance Rates
In cases where the vehicle in question is sold by one spouse to another, whoever buys it will be able to take advantage of the spouse’s merit class (in community of assets) and the companies will be required to recognize the CU class already accrued on the vehicle. Cars With The Cheapest Insurance Rates
the regulation of insurance in the case of co-registered cars is still unclear today, as the laws on the subject often do not consider this possibility (which is rather frequent!). Until a few years ago it was possible to jointly own a car between several people and take out insurance according to the risk profile of only one of the joint holders. Today, however, the insurance policy will have to take into account the presence of all the car owners: to calculate the premium, the most «penalizing» owner (ie the youngest) will be used as a reference, or even the combination of the most penalizing parameters of all the joint holders, first of all the merit class, but also the age, residence, etc. So, for example, if a father and a new driver son jointly register a new car, it will not be possible to take out insurance as if the car was registered only in the father’s name, but both must always be considered, with a lot of premium increase due to the young age of the son. In the case of first registration, it will be necessary to evaluate the convenience of the joint title for the applicability of the Bersani Law. Cars With The Cheapest Insurance Rates